Putting its mission of helping people to “decide.learn.grow.” into action, nine Vita Education Services staff members attended the 2013 Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education Conference at State College, Pa., in March. The conference offered a rich context for adult education topics and issues, including Literacy, Adult Basic Education, ESL, Family Literacy, corrections education and workforce development.
One of Vita’s staff attendees, Kathy White, was featured in the conference’s “Spotlight on Success: Stories of Adult Educators, Students, Volunteers, and Programs.” Kathy is a valued member of the Vita Education Services’ staff. Her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction with Literacy Emphasis as well as her past service as a literacy volunteer in Haiti makes her well suited for her position as Literacy Tutor Coordinator. Developing close relationships with both her tutors and students has resulted in increased retention of both and, as a consequence, students have persisted in their studies, making significant educational gains.
Vita Education Services is the lead literacy agency in Bucks County and the largest provider of educational services in the Bucks County Correctional Facilities. For information, call 215-345-8322; visit www.VitaEducation.org.